Over the summer, I read many books. One that I particularly enjoyed is called “Everyday” David Levithan. Everyday is the story of a budding romance, with a slight twist. The romance is between a girl named Rhiannon, and a character named A. The plot twist is that A wakes up in a new body everyday. One day A wakes up in the body of Rhiannon’s boyfriend, and A feels a connection, and so does Rhiannon. Through this difficulty of A switching bodies, A and Rhiannon manage to come together and create something beautiful. There are many reasons why I love Everyday, and why it is an important book to me.
One thing about Everyday that I loved was the complexity of the characters. Throughout the book you met many characters although a few stay constant. If you take the character of Reverend Poole for example, that is such a complex character. Reverend Poole wants A to join the movement of captivating a body and staying in it. Reverend Poole is a complex character that has really been weathered down and beaten up by the circumstances of their life. He feels pain, and takes it out, literally stealing someone’s life. Or take Rhiannon. She is a character with so much complexity. She is taken advantage of by her boyfriend, (Justin) and it’s such a routine for her to be taken advantage of, she likes it. Rhiannon is a complicated character for many reasons. Another complicated character is A. A doesn’t feel loved, and feels like there’s no place that A belongs. The complexity of the characters is something that I really like in Everyday.
Another component of Everyday that I really like is the concept of the book, and the idea of switching bodies everyday. This part of the book is so cool. It is mindblowing, and hard to wrap my mind around, it makes me feel empathy for A, because that would be a hard life. I also really liked how David Levithan included the component of love in the book, that made it so much more interesting and exciting, and really helped me empathized with A. The idea of finding love in the hardest and most random situations is both beautiful and true. Another part of the structure of the story that I really liked was the "evil." This helped me keep on the edge of my seat, and made me feel more emotions. Not only could I feel jubilance for A, I could also feel fear too.
All in all, Everyday was an amazing book that took me on a journey filled with many emotions and plot twists. All different subtle things that David Levithan did in his writing came together to create a wonderful book that really made me think.